Hampton Road's #1 podcast! #2up2down

Chopping it up with Marc D Wasserman, Esq (POT BROTHERS AT LAW)

Welcome to the 757 renaissance man podcast, on this episode we chop it up with Marc D Wasserman, Esq (POT BROTHERS AT LAW)

*Special July 1st Marijuana Legalization Episode*

On this episode we discuss
Why education on traffic stop laws are important
Are the police trained properly
Yes Pot Brothers smoke cannabis, are brothers, and are attorneys
The no BS tell it like it is attorneys
How social media helped them spread education
Advice for Virginia on July 1st
Legalization is really not legal
Don't be satisfied with the minimum
Get your ducks in a row for 2024
Watch the zones go to your city council meetings!
Will cannabis ever be federally legal?
Cannabis as a medicine the importance of being able to get your medicine
Big Pharma vs Cannabis
Using the correct terminology with cannabis
Am I being detained or am I free to go? Slam version!
What is the script
When cops ask questions, comply and then STFU!

And much much more!
Let’s have a conversation with Marc D Wasserman, Esq

757 Renaissance Man is an innovative podcast where we empower entrepreneurs, leaders, and creatives that benefit the Hampton Roads area

email me: shawn.m.connors@gmail.com
IG: shawnconnors

To hear or view the entire episode search for 757 Renaissance Man wherever you get your favorite podcast, YouTube or click the link below!