Hampton Road's #1 podcast! #2up2down

Chopping it up with Adam Lee and Marissa Jane from the Highly Irritable Podcast

Welcome to the 757 renaissance man podcast, on this episode we chop it up with Adam Lee and Marissa Jane from the Highly Irritable Podcast

My first collaboration episode!!!

On this episode we discuss
What did Adam do on his day off
The reason he is Highly Irritated
Dealing with anxiety and how podcasting can be therapy
The how they meet each other and what makes their marriage successful
How 757 Renaissance became the name of this podcast!
The story of LVAD Talk
Comparing our childhoods east vs west!

Let’s have a conversation with Adam Lee and Marissa Jane

Check out The Highly Irritable podcast here

email me: shawn.m.connors@gmail.com
IG: shawnconnors
To hear or view the entire episode search for 757 Renaissance Man wherever you get your favorite podcast, YouTube or click the link below!
